The Research and Evaluation Unit (R&E) plays a pivotal role in managing and supporting both internal and external evaluation projects. They oversee project management for evaluations and provide consulting support to project leadership, including evaluation design and implementation of all evaluation methods.
A key responsibility of the R&E unit is to facilitate periodic presentations of evaluation progress to partnership school districts, funders, and other stakeholders. The unit maintains extensive databases of student, parent, and teacher records from partner K-12 districts, community colleges, and four-year institutions. They manage the design, production, data capture, and analysis of thousands of surveys each year.
R&E has specialized experience in evaluating college access and retention programs funded by the Department of Education and the National Science Foundation. Their goal is to build research and evaluation capacity within partnerships to better support student success.
Contact us for external evaluation, grant proposals, program development, data projects, and more!

Current Projects Include:
- Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)
- UC Systemwide Basic Needs
- UC Irvine Basic Needs
- K-16 Career Pathways
- Project AYUDAS (US DOE HSI STEM Grant)
- S.C.O.R.E. Anaheim Ducks
- PACE Cybersecurity
The R&E Unit is Available for Evaluation Consulting
Let us help you write your evaluation plan, design and administer surveys, analyze your data and prepare reports for your stakeholders!
Research & Evaluation Team
Amanda Valbuena, Ed.D.
Director of Research & Evaluation
Sevan Kalaydjian
Senior Evaluator
Taylor Duffy
Elizabeth Kuo, Ph.D.
Senior Evaluator
Victor Vega
Assistant Evaluator
Mike Jenkins